pernah rasa tak ?

eh, nak tanya. pernah tak korg rasa ape yang aku rasa.
cuba bayangkan, semua org letak setinggi-tinggi harapan kat ko utk berjaya, banggakan nama sekolah and parents. tp ape korg rasa bile harapan diorg tuh musnah ?

what if u fail to make their dreams and hopes come true ?
how can u face the world when everyone is expecting that u can get extremely good results but then u fail to do so ?

Na'uzubillah. ya Allah, please don't give me the results that will disappoint my parents and teachers.

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Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik

"Oh Turner of Hearts, keep my heart firm"

did my best, hope for the best, and pray that all the negative thoughts will not be haunting my minds anymore and it WILL NEVER COME TRUE. not anymore.



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